Inspiration and Education for Sustainable Packaging

Are you a packaging engineer, sustainability manager, or corporate sustainability officer? Sustainable packaging is always developing. Events, innovations, and policies can be overwhelming to keep up with. That is why we have compiled a list of organizations you should consider joining to gain inspiration and education with regards to sustainable packaging. These organizations provide resources to guide you in your sustainable packaging efforts.
  • Sustainable Packaging Coalition (SPC): A project of GreenBlue and the creator of the original COMPASS software, the Sustainable Packaging Coalition provides a plethora of resources on sustainable packaging. If you can’t attend their conferences like SPC Advance and SPC Impact, SPC also has working groups and projects to get involved. Trayak maintains a strong partnership with SPC – offering discounts to SPC members. Please visit the SPC member portal or email us at for more information. You can find more information about SPC by visiting their website:
  • Climate Collaborative: The Climate Collaborative is a mixture of manufacturers, retailers, distributors, suppliers, and other concerned businesses from the natural food industry working together to combat climate change. With webinars, events, case studies, and more the Climate Collaborative has plenty of resources to offer. You can find more information by visiting their website:
  • Pet Sustainability Coalition (PSC): An organization for companies in the pet industry. PSC provides webinars, a tool kit, an accelerator program, and trade shows. You can find more information by visiting their website:
  • PAC: PAC Packaging Consortium is a not-for-profit corporation that includes over 2,500 members throughout the packaging value chain. Based in Canada, they provide conferences, webinars, trade shows, and publications. You don’t have to be based or operate in Canada to be a member, everyone is welcome. You can find more information by visiting their website:
Many major brands are committing to sustainable packaging efforts. The organizations and associations listed above provide valuable resources for your sustainable packaging journey. Check them out today! (In full disclosure, Trayak is a member of all or most of these organizations. In addition, Trayak often partners with these organizations for webinars, on-site events, and more.)

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