Trayak Strengthens Australia Connections

CINCINNATI, OH – July 20, 2021. Trayak is strengthening Australia connections with new partnerships and updated end-of-life data for the region. 

New Partnerships

We are a proud Gold Corporate Partner of the Australian Institute of Packaging (AIP). The AIP is the peak professional body for packaging education and training in Australia. Learn more about AIP on their website

We recently joined over 1500 companies (brand owners, packaging manufacturers, industry associations, etc.) as members of the Australian Packaging Covenant Organization (APCO). The vision of APCO is a packaging value chain that collaborates to keep packaging materials out of landfills and retain the maximum value of these materials within the local economy.

End-of-Life Data

EcoImpact-COMPASS supports nine regions, Australia is one of them. The prefilled, region specific end-of-life data for Australia has been updated. EcoImpact-COMPASS license holders can view the manual for more information.

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